Tag Archives: hochzeitsfotograf

Sabrina & Aaron – Wedding in Basel-Land

Sabrina & Aaron’s wedding was the first autumn wedding this season! Although rain was forecasted all day, it stayed dry every time we needed it to be. As the couple have had a lot happening in the afternoon during the Apero, we did the couple portrait shoot before the ceremony. It took place in the...

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  • Sabrina&AaronJanuary 9, 2018 - 5:32 pm

    Liebe Nadine!

    Unsere Hochzeit liegt schon ein paar Monate zurück. Was bleibt sind die Erinnerungen an einen wunderschönen Tag. Dank deinen tollen Fotos können wir immerwieder in Erinnerungen schwelgen. Wir haben viel Freude daran. Danke hast du uns an diesem besonderen Tag mit deiner Kamera begleitet. Liebe Grüsse Sabrina&Aaron ReplyCancel

Debora & Lukas – A Wedding in Berne

Debora & Lukas’ wedding was just amazing. From start to finish. Fist of all, the two of them are super nice and cute people with very good taste. There was so much to photograph: the bride and groom who both looked exceptionally pretty, all of the beautiful decorations, the stunning wedding venues and a lot of...

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