Silvana & Philipp – Intimate Wedding in Glarus

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If love would materialise, it would be Silvana & Philipp. Seriously, I stood there in front of the altar with goosebumps and had to struggle not to cry because the vibes between them really touched me. God, do I sound cheesy!! But from the beginning:

Silvana & Philipp got married in Glarus on the Burgkapelle Glarus which a scenic little church on a hill in the middle of Glarus. Only about 60 of their nearest and dearest family and friends were invited, so it was really intimate. Even though the church is administered by the catholic parish, it was a Protestant (and very personal) ceremony.

As the ceremony ended, there was a little surprise waiting for them outside the church: Their students from the elementary school where both of them teach. They were singing a Swiss-German love song and holding heart-shaped pillows in their hands which they threw over them after they finished the song. My heart really jumped, it was so cute.

After that, they had organised an relaxed Apero in front of the church – with an amazing view on the city of Glarus. It was hot but the big trees provided a lot of shade, so everyone could chat and was having a good time.

The evening reception took place in Weesen, at the Walensee, in the perfectly located Park Hotel Schwert where the couple and guests had delicious food (did you ever have two main courses on a wedding?) and entertaining (very original and funny!) games.

I heard the celebration went on until the early morning hours. That sounds like a perfect wedding, no?

Silvana & Philipp, I wish you beautiful life rich of love and happiness. We enjoyed accompanying and capturing your wedding so much and hope that another occasions will lead our paths to cross in the near future.

Nadine & Paul

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  • Silvana & PhilippDecember 26, 2016 - 3:51 pm

    Liebe Nadine, lieber Paul. Wir sind immer noch überwältigt, wenn wir deine / eure Fotos unserer Hochzeit anschauen. Niemals hätten wir zu träumen gewagt, dass wir solch wunderschöne Bilder erhalten werden – Bilder voller Emotionen und Magie… Bilder, welche diesen zauberhaften Tag unvergesslich machen. Wir sind so froh, haben wir uns damals für dich / euch entschieden – die Chemie hat einfach von Anfang an gestimmt. Ihr zwei, Nadine & Paul, seid Fotografen aus Leidenschaft, und das merkt man bei jedem einzelnen Bild. Ihr habt es geschafft, die perfekten Momente für die Ewigkeit einzufangen, ohne dass man euch überhaupt wahrgenommen hat. Und genau darum geht es doch.Wir würden uns immer und immer wieder für euch entscheiden! Danke von ganzem Herzen, dass ihr diesen Tag für uns in solch wunderbaren Bildern festgehalten und mit
    uns mitgefeiert habt!
    Alles Liebe Silvana & PhilippReplyCancel

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